Lipilichi Wilderness

Our story

In 2007, Lipilichi Wilderness entered into an agreement with both the communities of Chipanje Chetu and Provincial government of Niassa for the management, exploitation, conservation, improvement of living conditions and development of ecotourism in the project area. For over a decade, Lipilichi Wilderness has been developing and managing Chipanje Chetu as a community conservation area and has made significant improvements in the numbers of important wildlife species within the area while supporting and developing resilient communities.

In addition to installing important infrastructure, Lipilichi Wilderness has gained substantial experience with regards to management of the local landscapes and wildlife while developing strong working relationships with the local communities of Chipanje Chetu. Infrastructural development includes the construction of a safari camp, a permanent tented camp and two mobile tented camps, 1500km of new roads in addition to upgrading 200km of existing ones, which in turn, has greatly improved operation and management capabilities.

Over time, Lipilichi Wilderness has forged strong partnerships with Chipanje Chetu’s communities, working closely with them to manage abundant natural resources and develop livelihoods through fee agreements, as well as employment and training opportunities, community liaison, the provision of schools and clinics, and conservation education programs. Sixteen years of consistent investment has shown notable improvements in the living conditions of Chipanje Chetu’s communities and their attitudes toward conservation.

Our Mission

Build resilient communities and create opportunities for better livelihoods while promoting co-existence with local wildlife and preserving natural resources.
